A Fantastic Guide On How To Keep On Top Of Maintaining Your Swimming Pool Water
Owning a pool is a matter of pride and joy. Not only does it provide relief for the heat but it is a budding ground for many fond memories too. Families can spend the hot afternoons on weekends and bond together either over a barbecue or water games.

But owning a pool can be a nightmare too, if you are not careful. You will have to put in the elbow grease to maintain a pool. But there is good news for you. It does not take a lot of time and effort to maintain a pool. If you just take care of a few things in a regular manner, then pool maintenance becomes a breeze.
A few essential things that you should do
Chlorine Levels
Chlorine is an antibacterial and an algaecide that prevents the growth of organic matter in the pool. It keeps the pool water clear and also acts as a disinfectant when added to large bodies of water like a pool. Constant use of the pool leads to the water being exposed to chemicals like sunscreen and body oils that can lower the level of chlorine in the water.
You should check levels weekly and then shock the pool when needed. Also, if a lot of people have been using the pool lately, then you will have to add more chlorine to it. If you are constantly using the pool, it is a good idea to check chlorine levels every second day.
Pool shocking is the process of adding chlorine to the pool, which spikes its level for some time. It is a great way to get rid of all the organic materials that might be building up in the pool and get clear water. Shock the pool if the water develops a green tint or color.
In most cases, the green color indicates the buildup of bacteria or algae. If the pool water is cloudy or murky, that is also a great reason to shock the pool. Shocking the pool once a week is ideal. But if there has been a pool party or many people using it, you could shock the pool twice a week too.

PH levels
The chemical balance of a pool is very delicate and can be disturbed by even the slightest of things. This is why you should check the pH of your pool every other day or so.
A pH level around 7.2 is ideal as most of the chemicals are effective at this point and keep the water clean too. Too much deviation from this can cause a loss of efficiency of the chemicals in the pool, which can lead to murky waters.
Check the pH levels if the weather is windy or there are constant rains. The water levels increase or decrease in these circumstances, which can drastically change the pH levels of your pool.
Pool pump
A pump keeps all the water in the pool circulating and this is very important as algae can only grow on stagnant water. By circulating the water, you avoid the chances of organic buildup in the pool. We recommend you run the pump at least 8 hours a day so that algae does not grow.
You should take into account the size of your pool and the size and pumping capabilities of your pump too. This way you won’t be wasting energy and will save money on the electricity bill too. Here is a fantastic guide on how to keep on top of maintaining your swimming pool water!

Clean the filter
The filter is the lungs of the pool. It filters out all the junk that does not belong in the pool and keeps the water clear. It catches all the debris like twigs, flowers, and leaves, or even insects and collects them in a skimmer basket. If your pool water suddenly becomes cloudy, there is a chance that the filter is not working properly.
Removing the filter and cleaning it thoroughly is a great way to take care of your pool. There are many types of filters available in the market now. Refer to the manufacturer’s advice when it comes to the frequency of the filter. Every time you clean your filter, inspect it for any damage. If it is damaged, it is best to replace it as soon as possible.
Pump and Skimmer baskets
Your pool’s pump basket will collect all the debris before it even reaches the pump. On the other hand, a pool skimmer removes the debris that might be there on the surface of the pool water. Both the baskets collect the debris that might enter the pool system one way or the other.
If they are filled to the brim, they won’t be able to function properly. You should clean them out regularly so that there is no buildup of debris in the basket. Keep an eye on the baskets and you will have a low maintenance pool for a long time.
A pool vacuum can easily remove the debris from the pool in a matter of hours. It is one of the most efficient ways of having a clean pool and also prevents organic growth in the pool. Robotic vacuums are some of the best vacuums available and are worth every penny.

Winter prep
Winter can be brutal for your pool. Never drain the pool fully and add winterizing chemicals to it. Put silica gel on all the metal handles and joints so that they do not become brittle over the winters and crack.
Invest in a pool cover and make sure there is no water in the pool pipeline when the winter comes. Remove all the pool accessories that are in the area and store them carefully. A little care before the winter goes a long way. Make sure you have your pool ready for the grueling winters.
If any of the points are not clear, you can always call us for professional help. We will be more than happy to help you and clear your doubts. Our experts have years of experience under their belt, and we only wish the best for you.