Can Fibreglass Pools Be Saltwater?
Did you know 80% of the Australian pool owners prefer a salt water system? Yes! You read that right.
Whether you are looking to get a pool installed or already own one, there are various ways to keep it clean and maintained. The two most common systems are chlorine and saltwater. Each of them has its pros and cons. If you are someone who is wondering whether your fibreglass pools can be saltwater, you have come to the right place.
In this blog, we understand how saltwater pools are different from chlorine pools and look at the compatibility of fibreglass pools with salt water.
Let us start with the basics.

What Is A Saltwater Pool?
When you think of a saltwater pool, it is not a pool filled with water as salty as the sea. In fact, if you taste the water it will most probably have as much salt as you can taste in a teardrop. The salinity levels are 1/10th of the salinity levels of the ocean.
A saltwater pool uses a salt chlorinator or a salt-chlorine generator for swimming pool sanitization. All you have to do is add salt to the pool water and the salt chlorinator will directly convert it into chlorine. The chlorine so generated kills the bacteria, algae and other such contaminants in the water to give you a healthier and cleaner pool to dip in.
Instead of using large concentrated doses of chlorine such as liquid, tablets and powders, you can use a salt chlorinator to keep the pool water hygienic.
Now that we understand the concept of saltwater systems, let us analyze how saltwater fares with different types of pools.
Concrete Pools and Saltwater
Unfortunately, salt chlorinators or a saltwater system does not work if you have a concrete swimming pool. This is because as compared to the regular chlorine system salt chlorinators are up to 5 times more abrasive on the concrete surfaces of the pool. You would end up resurfacing the pool a lot sooner than normal which can add up to being quite a costly affair in the long run.
Metal Wall Vinyl Liner Pools and Saltwater
Metal and salt are two things that you should never combine. Some vinyl liner pools have steel walls that can get damaged from galvanic corrosion when exposed to saltwater. They also have metal parts that the salts can corrode, rust and eat through. So, if you have a metal wall vinyl liner pool, the safest bet is to opt for a chlorine system.
Fibreglass Pools and Saltwater
When it comes to compatibility, saltwater and fibreglass pools are a match made in heaven. Fortunately for us, the swimming pool industry realized this a long time ago and has been using fibreglass for crafting exquisite pools.
Fibreglass pools are smooth and non-porous. So, the surfaces do not attract algae and bacteria in the same way as they would in a concrete pool. A salt chlorinator works exceedingly well with fibreglass pools and translates into lesser expenses on cleaning and maintenance. You do not have to worry yourself sick with damages due to corrosion of the pool surface.
Pro Tip:
When you are considering investing in a saltwater system for your pool, be mindful of the area around your pool i.e., deck, any equipment or concrete. When you get in and out of a saltwater pool, you may splash some water around. If you have any objects with aluminum or metal fittings, high concentrations of residue and salt may cause damage by corrosion. It is best to wash it down with some freshwater to eliminate the risk of damage. Also, ensure any guards or handrails that you install in the saltwater pool are made of materials that are compatible with saltwater.
If you are still on the fence whether a saltwater system is a good choice for your fibreglass pool, here are some benefits that can help you make the right decision:
Benefits of Saltwater Pools
A salt chlorinator comes in the range of $600 and $2000 whereas the maintenance costs can be between $50 and $100 annually. While the initial costs of a saltwater system can be costly, in the long run, you can recoup these costs as it drastically reduces your operational and pool maintenance expenses.
Moreover, the pool salt costs low and recycles itself for prolonged tenures in the salt chlorinator. Typically, you need 40 to 50 pounds of salt for every 2,000 gallons of water. Through the process of electrolysis, a salt chlorinator takes a small amount of salt and creates a pure form of chlorine which can be used over and over again.
Compared to chlorine pools, saltwater pools are safer. This is because the salt chlorinator automatically keeps a track of the chlorine levels in the pool water and releases much lower levels as compared to a regular chlorine pool. So, you can keep your eyes open and enjoy your swim without having to stress about itchy eyes or rashes on the skin. Plus, you will not smell like chlorine. Win-win!
Saltwater pools are preferred by most pool owners as they cleanse the skin and leave it glowing. There are no toxic fumes, unlike a chlorine pool which requires exposure to chlorine tablets, powder or liquid regularly. On the other hand, saltwater can exfoliate, detoxify and rejuvenate your skin. Plus, it makes your skin retain more moisture and gives it a nourishing feel. People who are allergic to chlorine water mostly prefer saltwater pools for their lower chlorine content that does not trigger any skin reactions.
Compared to traditional pools, saltwater pools require lesser maintenance or upkeep. If you own a smart pool, even better. It comes with automated pumps that keep regulating the water in intervals making it highly hygienic for your family to enjoy their swim.
Regular Disinfection
An unclean pool is the last thing you want to expose yourself and your family to. More so, if you have sensitive skin, it could prove disastrous. Thankfully, saltwater pools take the stress away with its hygienic features.
Unlike a traditional chlorine pool, saltwater systems come with regular disinfecting mechanisms that take care of bacteria, algae and other such contaminants in the pool water. Through the process of electrolysis, hypochlorous acid gets released in the water when the salt dissolves. This makes the water germ-free or uncontaminated.
Fibreglass pools with salt water systems are an ideal combination if you are looking for a convenient and low-cost swimming pool sanitization system. Chlorine pools require more maintenance and chlorine is also costlier to purchase. Conversely, even though saltwater pools may need you to shell out more bucks initially, they are more cost-efficient in the long run. They require lesser upkeep and give you more free time to enjoy in the swimming pool rather than cleaning it. Plus, saltwater pools are less harsh on the skin and make it feel ‘softer’ and better nourished.
If you are looking to install a fibreglass swimming pool with a saltwater system, we will be more than happy to walk you through the process.
We will make your dream of owning a perfect swimming pool come true. Get in touch with us TODAY!