Is My Backyard Suitable for A Swimming Pool?
There are very few pleasures in life that can match up to the thrill of a relaxing swim in a pool in your backyard. Especially when the summer temperatures get too hot to handle, having your own pool can be the ultimate form of luxury. Not only do you have the perfect spot to spend time with your family, but a pool is also an invaluable addition to your household. In the future, if you ever wish to sell your home, a pool can appeal to prospective buyers and tip the scales in your favor.
But, do you ever feel you have a small backyard that may not be enough to accommodate a swimming pool? Because the truth is, over the years, Australian backyards are shrinking in size and that is holding back many homeowners from building their dream pools. What if we told you, you can still turn your dream into a reality? If you have set your heart on building a pool in your backyard, we are here to help you decide how.

Few Factors That You Must Consider While Installing A Pool in Your Backyard
When you work with a pool builder, here are some factors that you can look into to make the most of your backyard space and pool installation work:
Size of the Backyard
You may want to install a huge pool in your backyard. But if there are space constraints, then you may have to settle for a smaller one. Remember, your pool is not the focal point of your backyard. You may also need some grassy landscape surrounding it. Or, a small area where the kids can play. Or, do you fancy an area surrounding the pool where you can host pool parties and get-togethers? A smaller backyard requires careful consideration of the area you are willing to dedicate to the pool installation.
Once you ask the above-mentioned questions to yourself and find the right answers, you can collaborate with reputable pool builders for the best solutions. It is best to go with their professional advice as they are backed by experience and rich expertise. They have installed thousands of pools with varying installation methods, sizes and shapes for their happy customers. Through their on-site consultation, they can give you an accurate method of what will suit your pool requirements the best and an estimated cost for the same.
Layout of the Backyard
In a perfect world, every homeowner would have a flat area to install a pool in. But, in the real world, that’s not how it always works. Backyards can be different with slopes making it hard for pool builders to install certain pool types. For instance, if you have a sloped backyard, it is almost impossible to install an in-ground concrete pool. Even if you decide to go ahead with it, you will most probably have to compromise on some features and settle for a practical installation. On the other hand, fiberglass pools are well-suited for any surface type.
Here are some factors that you should discuss with your pool designer to decide how your pool should be installed:
- The location of the septic system and the leach field
- Trees or boulders that may interfere with the installation of the pool
- Area of water run-off during downpours that might damage the pool

Accessibility to the Backyard
Flat blocks are the easiest to access for obvious reasons. When you have flat backyards, it also becomes relatively quicker and cheaper to install a pool. Understandably, not every house owner has a flat backyard, some have a sloped one. So, how do we know if it is accessible? If you have enough room for trucks and equipment to be driven in at the location of your intended pool, then it is considered fairly accessible.
Some other questions that can give you an idea about the accessibility of your backyard include:
- Are there any fences or stone walls that limit access?
- Would you require getting in through your neighbor’s property? Does your neighbor agree to allow such access to your backyard?
- Are there any chances of increased difficulty due to low hanging utility or power lines?
- Is there a paved driveway that can make access to the backyard easier? Even if there is, the pool designers may lay plywood sheets down to eliminate damage from the equipment.
Underground Considerations
This is a major factor to account for though not until after the digging has begun. Many notable pool builders prefer to dig test holes in and around the area where you intend to install the pool. They need to know what lies beneath the surface so that there are no surprises once the pool installation begins in full swing. Some issues that may arise include the following:
- Hitting large boulders or rocks, some of which may be impossible to move or break.
- Large quantities of poor-quality fill, including tree stumps, cement blocks and wood buried underground while constructing the residential property years ago.
- Hitting a rock ledge which may require blasting. The thing with blasting is it may not always work. The sad part is you can only find that out after shelling large amounts of money from your pockets.
Other Considerations to Bear in Mind
Apart from the above aspects, listed below are some more key factors that you need to consider:

The Pool’s Position
If you have a smaller backyard, it may not be possible to install your pool in a north-facing position. The sun can warm up the pool water by approximately 4 degrees when it is facing north with ample sunlight.
Council Regulations
Depending on the state and territory you reside in, there are different zoning, safety and building regulations. Before you start digging, ensure you follow all the regulations in place and have all the permits and approvals needed. Remember to ask your council for a detailed sitemap of your backyard that can let you know of any existing sewers, drains or pipe-works at the intended location of the pool.
The Location of Your Pool Equipment
It’s imperative to note that your pool equipment and a pool pump will also need accommodation near the pool, preferably on the same level. This can reduce unwanted pressures and premature wear and tear of the pump. You might have to decide the size of the pool after factoring in a room for the pool equipment.
Pool Fence
Apart from the pool equipment, you also need additional space for your pool fencing. There are different fencing laws in different states and territories in Australia. Ensure you comply with the ones that are applicable to you to prevent any accidents.

Bottom Line
If you are wondering whether your backyard is enough for a swimming pool or are posed with any of the above concerns, you can reach out to our friendly team. We have been installing pools for our happy customers for years and can suggest the best pool installation methods suited as per your needs. Be it in-ground, above-ground or partially in-ground pools, we find no backyard too challenging and no installation too tricky.
Get in touch with us TODAY to get your dream pool installed in your backyard.