The Complete Pool Maintenance Checklist!
In this article, we list a comprehensive pool maintenance checklist, so you have a healthier pool all days of the year. Let's dive in!
Most Australian homes are blessed with a pool in the backyard. Be it to host amazing pool parties or unwind after a tiring day at work, having your own backyard oasis has its benefits. But with the perks of being a pool owner comes the responsibility of keeping the pool hygienic and swim-ready at all times. After all, maintaining a pool is not a once-a-year or once-a-month activity. It requires regular upkeep so you can prevent any major problems from cropping up in the future.

Daily Tasks
Skim the Pool
If you see any leaves, twigs, dead insects or other such floating debris on the pool’s surface, get into the habit of cleaning it immediately using a pool net. Not only will this give your pool a sparkling appearance but also prevent clogging your skimmer baskets. If you delay skimming the pool, the debris might settle at the bottom and make it much harder for you to clean.
Check the Water Level
If you leave the water level too high, the skimmers could stop functioning. On the other hand, if the pool water level is too low, the skimmers will start sucking dry air and stop working. So, it’s important to check the water level of your pool daily as it can lose a lot of water due to evaporation or splashing out. If you want to add water, use a garden hose. To lower the water level, use a submersible pump to drain the excess.
Check the Skimmer Baskets
If you religiously perform the above task, your pool will not be too dirty. You can check that by lifting the lid of the skimmer baskets for any debris. If you find more than a few waste items, you can empty the contents of the skimmer basket. If not, you can remove the content weekly. This ensures the suction remains effective and strong.
Examine the Pool Cleaner
A lot of pool owners invest in robotic cleaners to keep their pools clean. These automatic cleaners operate for 2 to 3 hours per day. If you own a robotic cleaner, simply check if the bag needs emptying. Remember, you should only run the cleaner a maximum of 3 times per week. If you run it more frequently, it runs a risk of excessive wear and tear.

Weekly Tasks
Inspect the Chemical Levels
If your pool is in regular use, it’s wise to check the water chemistry 2 to 3 times weekly to establish the pH, chlorine and alkalinity levels. pH is an indicator of how acidic or alkaline your pool water is. The ideal range is between 7.2 and 7.6. If the pH level falls outside this range, it can reduce the effectiveness of the disinfectants and even cause skin allergies. Keep the chlorine concentration between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm) to prevent algae from breeding in the pool water.
Clean Around the Pool
Cleaning the pool deck area is as important as keeping your pool sparkly clean. Especially if you have a saltwater pool system, it is advisable to use a garden hose or buckets of pool water to wash down the dirt and grime. Additionally, gusty winds or heavy rains can carry the soil from the nearby landscaping and damage the pool deck area too. So, consider trimming the overgrown plants with smaller varieties.
Examine the Alkalinity
When the alkalinity level of your pool water is too low, it can stain the walls and dissolve metals. Conversely, if the alkalinity level is too high, it can cause scaling, cloudy water, white deposits and a rough pool surface. The ideal alkalinity level is between 80 and 100 ppm. The total alkalinity level helps maintain the pH level. So, monitor it efficiently for the best swimming experience.
Backwash If Necessary
Knowing when to backwash your filter is extremely important. If there is an increase in the water pressure reading, it’s an indicator that your pool filter is under strain. This could be due to faulty equipment or a blockage. Another sign is when your pool filter gets clogged with debris that obstructs the flow of water into the pool. Then, a backwash may be needed. Monitor this weekly to maintain a healthy pool.
Monthly Tasks
Check Calcium Hardness Levels
Calcium hardness protects the surface of your pool from corrosion. Without calcium, the pool water might end up pulling calcium from pool surfaces such as concrete, grout, and plaster. It can also lead to cloudy water, heater malfunctions, scaling and discolouration. The ideal calcium hardness level is in the range of 200 to 400 ppm. Make sure you check the level once every month and make the necessary adjustments whenever required.
Test Salt Levels
If you have a saltwater pool system installed in your backyard, then you need to be more careful about its maintenance. The salt cells can get extremely hot, producing sodium hydroxide. Together with the calcium in your pool water, they can result in scaling if not checked in time. We suggest you test the water with strips to know the salt levels. You can either do it yourself or take the help of professionals by letting them analyze a sample.

Final Thoughts
Keeping your pool in good shape requires a serious commitment. We hope the above checklist helps you prioritize your maintenance activities after splitting them into daily, weekly and monthly tasks. If you need help to maintain your pool, feel free to get in touch with us. Our professionally trained pool designers can offer the best solutions to increase the longevity of your pool so you can enjoy a swim all year round.
If you are looking to get a pool installed in your backyard, give us a call. We would be happy to take you through our pool model catalogue and suggest the best fit keeping the size of your backyard and budget in mind.
Here's A Quick Recap!
Your Daily Tasks Summed Up
- Skim The Pool
- Check The Skimmer Baskets
- Check The Water Level
- Examine The Pool Cleaner
Your Weekly Tasks Summed Up
- Inspect The Chemical Levels
- Examine The Alkalinity
- Clean Around The Pool
- Backwash Is Necessary
Your Monthly Tasks Summed Up
- Check Calcium Hardness Levels
- Test Salt Levels